2017 April National Geographic Magazine Blog

Note: My National Geographic magazine entries are NOT in order. (This is because I don't always have time to do my entries).

Hi! I love dinosaurs. Today I will be doing a 2017 (April) National Geographic magazine entry. Let's begin.

BEYOND HUMAN: This entry will be about humans and evolution. Let's go back 12,500 years ago. This is when we first evolved to live at high altitudes. Humans usually feel breathless at high altitudes, but Andeans have a way that allows one's hemoglobin to bind more oxygen. Our next stop is 8,000 years ago, when we finally adapted to desert climate. At first our human ancestors could not adapt to the rise and fall of desert climate. However, a genetic mutation provided a survival advantage.
Also, there are other adaptations like bipedalism, tools, fur, bigger brains, crying and blushing.
Now let's continue our "journey through time."🐊 We go to the polluted present. There's a battle between technology and natural selection. We are trying to make ourselves smarter, our technology better and our robots more high-tech, which is great, until it goes all wrong. Why? I will explain in the conclusion.
 Right now let's continue. We finally go to the present and the near future. We are trying to get mosquitoes to remove Zika or malaria cells from their body.
This could be dumb or good. We reach the near future. At least 50 years ago from the present, two scientists coined the word "cyborg" as an imaginary organism-part man, part machine. However, today 20,000 people have implants that can unlock doors. We move to our final destination: the Distant Future.

Can Humans adapt to Mars? Also, know as the Red Planet, Mars is a dry and most likely lifeless place.
But it is possible that we can adapt to the Red Planet.
Alright, now that our journey is finished, let's move to the concluson.

Conclusion: Remember when I told you that we are trying to make ourselves smarter and that I would tell why it is good, until it goes all wrong?
Well, it is time! We are smart, which it great, however, with medicine and other innovations, we can destroy ourselves by accident.
Also, we are killing animals, lots of them, polluting the air, large ships and airplanes are the main reason why the air is so polluted.

So, that is why we are doing it all wrong.

Bye, see my other entries at https://tarbosaurusbattar.blogspot.com/ !
