Tarbosaurus vs Tyrannosaurus Rex Who Would Win?

T.rex and Tarbosaurus are both Tyrannosaurids and both are around 40 feet.

But if they met, who would win?

Now the Tarbosaurus and T.rex are very similar and they are both carnivorous. 

Okay, so let's see some stats.


Height: 6 meters. Length: 12 meters. Weight: 5-6 tons. Speed: 40.2-60.8 km per hour.


Height: 6 meters. Length: 12 meters. Weight: 8 tons. Speed: 40 km per hour.

Let's go over the advantages and disadvantages.

Tyrannosaurus: Advantages. Larger and heavier. Stronger bite. Better vision.
Disadvantages. Slower. Worse hunter. Less agile.

Tarbosaurus: Advantages. Faster. Better hunter? Worse vision.
Disadvantages. Smaller and lighter. Weaker bite. Worse vision.

Now, let's go over the two dinosaurs.

Tyrannosaurus: Famous it may be, it was first known from a single jaw bone. Later fragments were then found and T.rex was more well known. The old research of what T.rex looked like is below.

Even though it is less stumpy, T.rex is still a slower dinosaur.

Here is a T.rex fossil.

The Tyrannosaurus is now thought to be feathered.

Look! Yes T.rex is feathered.

Most T.rex bones are very incomplete, but Sue is 90 percent complete. It was sold for 8 million dollars!

Now the T.rex is larger than most carnivorous dinosaurs with a few exceptions: Carcharodontosaurus, Giganotosaurus, Spinosaurus and Oxalaia are all larger than T.rex.

T.rex has been long thought to be scaled and even today some people still think it is scaled and not feathered. Jurassic Park has put a lot of people to think T.rex is fast and scaled.


And this.


And this.

Tarbosaurus is one of its cousin and Albertosaurus and Dashpletosaurus are also close cousins. 

Above is a Tyrannosauridae family tree. Albertosaurus and Gorgosaurus and Dashpletosaurus are all around the 30 feet range. But the two largest Tyrannosaurs are Tarbosaurus and Tyrannosaurus.

There are many different skeletons nicknamed names like "Sue", "Black Beauty" and "Scotty".

This is Scotty.

The Tyrannosaurus had teeth the size of bananas and the teeth grew back. 

These teeth crushed bones and could bite a car.

Tyrannosaurus is seen here from Wikipedia.

That is how Wikipedia sees things and most of it is correct.

But I disagree with the size of the head as the average size is 5 feet and the largest skulls were 5.3 feet.

Now to Tarbosaurus Bataar.

Tarbosaurus: Tarbosaurus was a giant carnivorous dinosaur too like T.rex. It was very similar to it.

Here is a picture of a Tarbosaurus.

This is a photo from Speckles the Tarbosaurus.

Anyway. Tarbosaurus is 40 feet long and weigh 6 tons.

Here is a Tarbosaurus skeleton.

There used to be a smuggled Tarbosaurus skeleton in America. But is was took back by Mongolians.

They insist that they own fossils on there territory.

46 Tarbosaurus skeletons were found on a washed up floodplain.

So, Tarbosaurus is believed to live in packs and in a place with many rivers and lakes. Tarbosaurus lived with many dinosaurs too like: Nemegtosaurus, Saurolophus, Velociraptor, Protoceratops and Shantungosaurus. 

Here are some Tarbosaurus pictures.

Tarbosaurus is my favorite dinosaur. Here is how Wikipedia sees things.

Now not all of this is correct. Like size: Tarbosaurus weigh 6 tons and had a length of 40 feet.

Here is how Dinopedia.fandom.com sees things.

This is a very detailed and is revealing what Tarbosaurus really is.

Here are a few more links about Tarbosaurus.

Great. We have finally grasped Tarbosaurus.

Now how did it hunt? It was good at hunting large prey like Saurolophus and Nemegtosaurus.

Check out the prey of Tarbosaurus on Google and you can see that this is a very powerful carnivorous dinosaur capable of killing even the largest sauropods. People keep on underestimating Tarbosaurus and it really racks my brain! You could also see facts about Tarbosaurus on Quora.com though I think it better to use something else that discusses only dinosaurs. 

Here are more Tarbosaurus photos: 

These all have different looking pictures. Here are the one of the most often seen pictures.

Now let's get to the fight!

A Tarbosaurus is munching on a dead Nemegtosaurus. Tarbosaurus looks up to see a T.rex try to steal the carcass. The Tyrannosaurus bites on to Tarbosaurus' arm. Tarbosaurus bites back. He sinks his teeth in to Tyrannosaurus' neck and pushes him up.

Crunch! Tyrannosaurus bites back.

Tyrannosaurus holds Tarbosaurus up. Tarbosaurus backs away as Tyrannosaurus advances.

The two dinosaurs look at each other squaring each other's size.

Trabosaurus bites again and again as Tyrannosaurus falls. T.rex picks himself back up.

Tarbosaurus bites and pulls T.rex down. Tyrannosaurus dies.

Winner: Tarbosaurus.


Check out my other posts at https://tarbosaurusbattar.blogspot.com/!



  1. I think Tyrannosaurus wins over Tarbosaurus.
    Tyrannosaurus is larger, heavier, more robust and has better vision with its forward facing eyes.

    1. Well, Tarbosaurus is smaller and more agile. Plus it was very fast. It could duck in and out of Tyrannosaurus' path.
      And then when Tyrannosaurus was distracted, Tarbosaurus could launch it's attack. Also, Tarbosaurus is very powerful and can grab a Tyrannosaurus' neck with it's jaw without ducking in and out.
      Thanks for telling me what you think.


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