Tarbosaurus vs Spinosaurus: Who would win?

Tarbosaurus vs Spinosaurus: Who would win?

Tarbosaurus was a giant carnivorous dinosaur that lived in Mongolia about 70-65 million years ago.

Here are the stats of Tarbosaurus.


Height: 6 meters.

 Length: 12 meters.

Weight: 5-6 tons. 

Speed: 40-60 kilometers/hour.

Family: Tyrannosauridae.

Diet: Hadrosaurs and Sauropods.

Weapons: Jaws and speed.

Spinosaurus was a giant carnivorous(and fish eating) dinosaur that lived in North Africa around 107-96 million years ago.

Here are the stats of Spinosaurus.


Height: 3-5 meters. 

Length: 14-15(as low as 13 meters)

Weight: 6-10 tons. 

Speed: 20-25 kilometers/hour. 

Family: Spinosauridae. 

Diet: Fish. 

Weapons: Claws and conical teeth.

Tarbosaurus advantages are:

  • Taller: At 6 meters tall, Tarbosaurus was one meter taller than the tallest Spinosaurus
  • Faster and better suited for land: As Spinosaurus was not well suited to moving on land, Tarbosaurus has the advantage.
  • Stronger bite:(Way stronger)
  • More fighting experience: Though it also scavenged, it would hunt a lot.
Now let's move on to the disadvantages of Tarbosaurus.

  • Shorter in length: Being shorter in length is always a disadvantage.
  • Can't swim: Being unable to swim, made it weaker in water.
  • Lighter: This meant it is possible for Tarbosaurus to get crushed.
  • Short, puny arms: Almost useless, they were surprisingly strong.
Spinosaurus advantages:

  • Longer in length: However, it is better to be taller than longer.
  • Can swim: It would destroy Tarbosaurus in water.
  • Heavier: It was long and heavy.
  • Long, useful arms: A long reach that could hook fish.

  • Spinosaurus also had disadvantages:
    • Shorter: Like I said better to be taller than longer.
    • Slower and not suited for land: Tarbosaurus would likely have a huge advantage on land.
    • Weak spine: Definitely not completely weak though.
    Battleground: A fair battleground is important for a fair battle. I will choose a forest bordering a lake. After all, Spinosaurus would almost 100% win on land.
    Now let's compare the weapons. Tarbosaurus had jaw strength while Spinosaurus has the claws on its side.
    However, if Spinosaurus can get past the jaws it has a chance. Or does it? Spinosaurus is short in height terms so it probably couldn't use its jaws. Can it grip it and then slash at it? Likely, no. The best way for it to win is by slashing the legs and then bite the legs until the Tarbosaurus falls so that it can get a good bite on its neck. On the other hand, Tarbosaurus is tall and was speedy and powerful.
    Unless Spinosaurus was fighting a juvenile, Spinosaurus has the disadvantage.
    Before we move on to the fight, please note that they likely never met as they lived in different times and at different places.
    Fight: Tarbosaurus is eating a carcass(it can't chew)when a Spinosaurus smells food and challenges it. Tarbosaurus races in but is slashed on the leg. It blunders toward the Spinosaurus and the bite its neck. Spinosaurus almost died but retreats and then slashes it on the lower part of the body. It then lures Tarbosaurus to the lake. Tarbosaurus follows and makes a bad mistake. Spinosaurus catches it by surprise and Tarbosaurus falls. Last resort... Tarbosaurus kicks out and the Spinosaurus falls. It grips it and blunders to land. The Spinosaurus retreats but dies before it has walked a step. Tarbosaurus limps to the carcass.
    This is a dangerous battle but Tarbosaurus holds out due to pure strength and power.

    Winner: Tarbosaurus 60% of the time.
