Spinosaurus vs Tyrannosaurus: a never ending debate.

People have being debating for years on who would win if a T.rex met a Spinosaurus and they fought each other.

Who wins? Spinosaurus is on the first end. T.rex is on the other.

Spinosaurus facts: Height: 4.3-5.2 meters. Length: 14 to 15 meters. Weight: 10 tons. Speed: 19-25 km per hour(On land). Speed in water is unknown.

T.rex facts: Height: 6 meters. Length: 12 meters. Weight: 7 tons. Speed 30 km per hour.

Spinosaurus weapons: Teeth, claws and jaws.

T.rex weapons: Jaws, teeth.

Spinosaurus: Spinosaurus is known from few bones and teeth. 

Little is known about Spinosaurus as the most complete fossils were destroyed in WWII. 

Spinosaurus is still the largest carnivorous dinosaur, larger than T.rex and Giganotosaurus.

Spinosaurus is a fish eater eating large fish 26 feet long. It hunted Mawsonia, giant sawfish and many other fish. Spinosaurus has been known to incomplete fossils like teeth partial ribs and sail and a few other fossils.
The first fossils of Spinosaurus was destroyed in WW2, when British bombers bombed the museum the fossils were in.  New fossils of Spinosaurus have been found but are not as complete as the old ones. Thus, we have limited information on Spinosaurus. Spinosaurus also had a spine that was 2 meters tall. That might be a weakness for it.

The first image is accurate and the second is not. The JP3 Spinosaurus is a reference to the old Spinosaurus. The one that stood on two legs.
Spinosaurus had jaws that were for griping on to fish. But its sharp teeth could cut skin. Its claws could cut deeply and a few swipes and a few bites and its opponent can die. However, Spinosaurus may have been to short to reach Tyrannosaurus.
 Now to T.rex.
Tyrannosaurus: Tyrannosaurus is known from many fossils like teeth, ribs and head.
Tyrannosaurus is 40 feet and 7-8 tons. Sue, is the most complete skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus.
Tyrannosaurus had teeth the size of bananas and a 8 ton bite. It had more fighting experience as it had to battle with Tyrannosaurus. Fossils of tooth marks on Triceratops fossils have been found before. It had massive jaws. However, it had tiny arms. 

Let's have them fight! Spinosaurus and T.rex see each other.

T.rex attacks first. He clamps his jaws on Spinosaurus.

Spinosaurus roars out in pain. He claws T.rex. Spinosaurus bites T.rex on the neck. Bite!

Slash! Spinosaurus claws T.rex on the face. T.rex bites Spinosaurus.

Spinosaurus roars and bites back.

T.rex stumbles down to the ground. Spinosaurus kicks T.rex back.

T.rex bites Spinosaurus' arm. Bite!

Slash! Spinosaurus claws T.rex. He bites T.rex again and again. The bites are weak though. 

However, a stream is nearby. He rushes in. The T.rex follows. Crunch! T.rex flops down. Spinosaurus slashes

The Spinosaurus won!

The T.rex has lost.




Edit: Tyrannosaurus would probably win 55 to 70% on woodland and grassland but Spinosaurus would win 70-95% in water, marshland and river and streams.


  1. You know a lot about dinosaurs! i like how you argue against some facts from different sources.

  2. I think Tyrannosaurus wins over Spinosaurus.

    1. Tyrannosaurus would in 55% to 70% on land but Spinosaurus usually would win.


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